A l o n g nights sleep is broken by faint, yet audible iPod alarm. After an internal battle over the decision whether to wake up or hit the snooze (which, quite oddly, is set for 8 minutes), I slide out of the cozy, warm covers.
The moment has arrived...after hesitating for a brief second, I kneel up on my bed in order to stretch my arm up to the blinds and split open the slats.
Rain? Snow? Wind? Clouds? ... or.. Sun??
All too often I have had high hopes as I have peered through the blinds with the view of south BYU campus and the tops of Mt. Timpanogos. I was appalled -- the weather was quite propitious!
What a great day. Even though I had quite a list of tasks, I marched forward with a smile. There's nothing like wearing shorts, a t-shirt, flip-flops, and driving with the windows down while wearing sunglasses. This summer can be summed up in one, all-encompassing word: e p i c
... and i'm Livin' the Good Life
... and i'm Livin' the Good Life